Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How To Cast A Magickal Circle

A Magickal Circle becomes a witch’s sacred space – an area where energy raised will be confined and where outside energy will not enter. To cast a successful Magickal Circle one must first be in the correct frame of mind so take time to meditate before beginning any energy work including casting a Circle.

It is strongly suggested that the witch cleanse herself with a ritual bath using herbs and/or salt then dress in ritual clothing (or work skyclad if that is the preference).

Each Tradition may follow different steps - as well as another witch. Steps may be arranged in a different order and some may be skipped and others added. Being a Solitary Eclectic I pull from many different Traditions and sources.

These are the steps that I use when casting my Magick Circle.

~ Sweep area of negative energies using a besom and moving deosil beginning in the East. Visualize the besom stirring up and moving out stale energy from the area.

~ Light the incense and altar candles.

~ Ring bell 3 times to clear any lingering unwanted energies.

~ Consecrate the circle with each element. Starting in the East move deosil along the circumference of the circle first with the incense saying, “I walk the circle once around, to cleanse and consecrate this ground.” Walk the circle with the candle repeating the verse. Again with the water sprinkling it along the circle and lastly with the sand sprinkling it.

~ Set the Quarter Point candles.

~ Say, “Let it be know that the circle is about to be Cast. All who enter may do so in perfect love and perfect trust.

~ Take the incense and place it at the East Quarter Point, light the candle, call the Element and ring the bell 5 times to invoke the Quarter energies.

~ Take the red candle and place it at the South Quarter Point, light the candle, call the Element and ring the bell 5 times to invoke the Quarter energies.

~ Take the bowl of water and place it at the West Quarter Point, light the candle, call the Element and ring the bell 5 times to invoke the Quarter energies.

~ Take the bowl of sand and place it at the South Quarter Point, light the candle, call the Element and ring the bell 5 times to invoke the Quarter energies.

~ Return to the altar. Pick up athame or wand in your power hand (prominent hand) and point it upward. Beginning in the East walk the circle moving deosil. As you walk visualize a beam of white or blue energy emitting from the point of the athame or wand and creating a giant bubble that encloses the entire area including beneath the ground or floor. Walk the circle three times saying, “I cast this circle on this night, I cast this circle for this rite.

~ Return to the altar. Pause visualizing the bubble of energy. Say, “We are between the worlds, beyond the bounds of time where night and day, birth and death, joy and sorrow meet as one. So mote it be.

~ Stomp foot to seal the circle.

Moura, Ann. Green Witchcraft. St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 2003.

RavenWolf, Silver. The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation Solitary Witch. Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewelyn Publications, 2006.


  1. Hello CricketSong, I thought I would pass along the comments about this article from Facebook:

    "I'm a bit of a newbie, but am liking the way! Earth, Wind, Water, Fire and "Spirit" sure makes sence to me now! Ty,Ty, fellow Pagan's/Wiccan's

    MM - Blessings "

    You also got many thumbs up!

  2. I did?! Thank you so much for the feedback. I enjoy writing the articles and am planning out more "How To"s.

    Bright Blessings!
