Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Submissions being taken for The Lunar Gazette!

What we are looking for:
*Articles on magickal, supernatural, and spiritual topics with references.
*Essays on history, mythology, and religion with references.
*Original creative fiction (poetry and short stories) and creative non-fiction.
*Interesting interviews with interesting folk.
*Magickal crafting lessons.
*Magickal recipes - i.e. - incenses, oil blends, spell kits, cooking recipes.
*Art work and photography with a spiritual or paranormal theme.
*Open mindedness, a thoughtful, friendly tone.
*Something unique, original, spiritual, and enlightening.

What we are not looking for:
-One sided opinions and close mindedness.
-Anything dark or harmful.
-Anything offensive or pornographic.
-Anything boring.
-Anything longer than 1500 words.
-Poor grammar and spelling errors.

Please send all submissions to

Please send them in .doc or .jpg compatible format. That way it’ll be nice and easy for me to read and publish to the site.

When you send a submission, please write your bio in the email message along with any of your website addresses. Whether it is a blog, an etsy page, or a myspace, please consider your publication a way to meet other like minded-folk, network and promote your personal craft!


  1. I'd love to talk to you about this. Give me a couple of days, I'm doing an arts & crafts show this weekend, and all my energy is going into that right now. I appreciate your wonderful comments on the blogs, almost as much as I appreciate your informative articles :) I'll email you the first of the week... have a blessed weekend... Michelle

  2. I would be willing to offer my services as an editor or proofreader if needed. I would be happy to check submissions for spelling and grammatical errors. I'm an ESL teacher; it's part of what I do. :)

  3. What a great idea. I would love to join in. I am Wiccan, i blog and i love writing about magick.
    Blessed be.

  4. I agree with Greekwitch, this sounds like a great Idea. I would be very interested as well.

    I am not a professional writer but simply a heartfull blogger. I blog from the heart on my day to day experiences as a Traditional Witch.

    Nice to meet you


  5. Sounds wonderful Kiki! Count me in!

  6. The outpouring of support and enthusiasm is AMAZING! Thank you so much everyone, for your interest. This site is going to be a great place for magick, creativity, spirituality, and community.

    Please start submitting!
