Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hekate, Dark Goddess of the Crossroads

Hekate is the Greek Goddess of the crossroads, the torch bearer and the holder of the key. She is the Goddess of the darkness, who guides Persephone on her way to the underworld every year. She is a Goddess of magic and sorcery and a consort to witches. Daughter to Perses and Asteria, Hekate is often seen as a crone, and with three faces to represent the three fold Goddess. She is also said to have assisted with childbirth, and her symbols are the serpent, dogs, the key, and the torch.

Often a misunderstood Goddess, because of her great power, she has been demonized as an evil sorceress. Many cultures have deemed wise and powerful women as evil, because they are afraid of their power. Dont be afraid to work with this Goddess. She has been very helpful in my life, and she is at this point, my main Goddess. She may be firm, but that doesn't make her evil. She is full of wisdom and knowledge, and she is an ancient Goddess. There is some speculation, that she was actually an Anatolian Goddess, that was later adopted by the Greeks. Which would make her much older by a few thousand years.

Her ancient days of worship for the Greeks were August 13 and November 30. Although the Romans observed the 29th of every month as her sacred day. You can call on her when you are at a crossroads in your own life, and are not sure which path to take. She will light her great torch, and light your way.

For a quick little ritual and honoring of Hekate, a good time to pray to her is on the waning or dark moon. Have on your altar, a black candle dressed with lavender oil, make an incense with her sacred herbs, resins and oils. And recite the hymn to Hekate by Orpheus.

Incense recipe (taken from the book : Hekate, Keys to the Crossroads by Sorita D'Este)
1 tbsp copal resin
1 tbsp crushed lavender
5 drops cypress oil
1 drop patchouli oil
pinch of saffron


I call Einodian Hekate, lovely dame,
Of earthly, watery, and celestial frame,

Sepulchral, in a saffron veil arrayed,
Pleased with dark ghosts that wander thro' the shade;
Persian, unconquerable huntress hail!

The world's key-bearer never doomed to fail;

On the rough rock to wander thee delights,

Leader and nurse be present to our rites;

Propitious grant our just desires success,
Accept our homage, and the incense bless.

Enjoy your experience with this dark Goddess!

Blessings )O(

Photo courtesy of Jessica Galbreth Art

To see this post on the original blog check out: Love of the Goddess blog

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