Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Bright One: highlight on Brigid this Imbolc

Brigid, gold-red woman,
Brigid, flame and honeycomb,
Brigid, sun of womanhood,
Brigid, lead me home.

You are a branch in blossom.
You are a sheltering dome.
You are my bright precious freedom.
Brigid, lead me home.

-From The Goddess Path by Patrica Monaghan

The Celtic Goddess Brigid is honored on Imbolc. Brigid is the Celtic Goddess of fire. Her name means “bright one,” and she is one of the most worshiped goddesses in Celtic culture. Brigid appears as a triple goddess: she is goddess of inspiration and poetry; goddess of healing and fertility; goddess of smithcraft and metalwork. Her magickal upbringing gives her a brightness, divinity, and the powers of prophecy.

She is the daughter of Dagda, the tribal chief of the Tuatha de Danaan and “good-god” of magick and abundance, thus making her an immortal member of the magickal founding troop of Ireland. Brigid was born in a druid’s household, and raised on the milk of Otherworldly cows. She was invoked by women giving birth, and worshipped on Imbolc, as she is a symbol of abundance and fertility. In myth, she had the ability to fill a lake with milk from her cows, which she milked three times a day. She taught the magick of fire and the art of metalworking to smith crafters. For poets, bards, and singers, she whispered divine inspiration. Worshipped on Imbolc, Brigid gives us the promise of a new spring, and inspires us to prepare for abundance and success in the coming warm months.

You can call upon her to help give you inspiration for creative work as well as give you strength and energy. She is often called to help with healing, and called for comfort during times of grieving. At Imbolc, you can show reverence to her by placing her symbols on an altar. The following are suggested decorations for Brigid:

*White and candles surrounded by lavender.
*Metal-crafted objects, or smith crafting tools.
*A cauldron with burning incense (dragon’s blood resin and red sandalwood are excellent for Imbolc)
*A glass of milk.
*Pure water in a silver bowl.
*Blackberry, which was sacred to Brigid, and can be used to attract wealth and healing.
*Brigid's Cross
*Brigid Corn Dolly

In her honor, take a moment to shut off all the lights in your house. Turn off your cell phone, computer, and television. Illuminate your home with white candles, and sit in peace and quiet for a moment, thanking Brigid for light, inspiration, health, and abundance. Consider writing an invocation or poem in her honor, and enjoy the growing warmth and light of the year. Many blessings to you on Imbolc.


Green, Miranda. Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend. London: Thames and Hudson, 1992.
Hopman, Ellen Evert. A Druid’s Herbal For the Sacred Wheel of the Year. Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books, 1995.
Monaghan, Patricia. The Goddess Path: Myths, Invocations, and Rituals. St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 1999.

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